• Discovery Guides the Process

    We take the time to deeply understand client needs in order to be effective in this work.

    We know that organizational priorities shift and respond to the internal and external landscape. This is especially true during a change process. We deeply appreciate the authenticity with which our clients engage in this work. As an outgrowth of that stance, our work together will be guided by organizational needs, not a fixed timeframe. We will be flexible and available in this work and we expect the same of our clients.

  • Engagement

    We involve the communities that our clients engage and serve.

    Doing this work authentically means engaging the communities that our clients want to work with in order to understand their needs, hopes and frameworks. We are inflexible on this stance as we seek to interrupt white paternalism in the philanthropic and non-profit sectors, and in society at large.

  • Customization & Commitment

    We understand that every organization is unique. We design engagements that are responsive and collaborative. We are flexible and available in this work, and we expect the same of our clients.

    We understand that this process is not the same for every organization. We also know that organizations have cycles. We work diligently with clients to move at a rate of change that serves their needs and promotes growth. This may mean that work gets paused, shifted or radically revised. We know that both clients and consultants may find this challenging. We also believe that flexibility and meeting real needs (as opposed to timelines) is part of a process of moving towards the anti-racist goals we work to see realized.

  • Clients are Partners

    While we bring expertise in subject matter, training, and change processes, the client is the expert on their organization.

    We enter into agreements with clients who understand that client work is a critical part of the process. We are partners in your organizational transformation. This work leads to lasting change when organizations commit the necessary time and resources. We promise to do the same.