Our Services

We help clients build habits of mind, align around shared goals, and mobilize resources to sustain organizational transformation.

Wholescale Organizational Change Processes


We imagine and work towards a world where all people, regardless of race, gender, heritage, immigrant status and ability, are valued and have a voice in the work that they do. When clients know that they need to make substantial changes in order to achieve their stated diversity goals, we are there to help at every step of the journey. We design a process that helps clients see exactly where they are (present state) and then chart a plan, with SMART goals and benchmarks, that will enable true organizational transformation.

Organizations are in a constant state of change. So we don’t believe in planning and then doing. Instead, our process builds in action steps along the way to initiate intentional change, assess what works, and promote reflection and learning.

DEI Audits and Assessments


Sometimes organizations have the will to change and the culture to support it, but need or want an unbiased assessment of where they are. We can assess your policies and practices and, through “holding up the mirror” give you the data that you need to launch your own change process.

Workshops and Retreats


We work with clients to customize workshops and retreats to serve your needs. All of our work is participatory and deeply immersive. We believe that organizations are best served when participants are learning from and about one another and are hearing thoughts and ideas from colleagues that challenge their own.

Whether working at the systems or at the interpersonal level, we see these intentional gatherings as an opportunity for transformative experiential learning.

Individual Coaching


In order for people to become true champions of DEI in their organizations, individualized support is often helpful. We work with leaders, and potential leaders, to build resilience and self-knowledge. This work can stand alone or be a part of a larger engagement. Either way, we are here to support your growth and learning.

Our Clients

Our client work crosses a variety of sectors and industries. A partial list of past and present clients includes:

  • Amazon

  • American Express, Women in Tech (Palo Alto)

  • Council for Court Excellence


  • TBWA Worldwide

  • Teaching for Change

  • The Mayor’s Office of Returning Citizens Affair (DC)

  • The Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium